Stop the cuts to colleges and universities!

Investing in higher and further education, and investing in nurturing students, is the best way of investing in a better future.

But Scotland's education system is broken - and our colleges and universities are increasingly being asked to do more with less.

Public funding from the Scottish Government for further and higher education has faced cuts for years, when adjusted for inflation.

And right now, the Scottish Government is planning over £100million in cuts to colleges and universities, as revealed in its 2024/25 draft Budget.

This will have a devastating impact on students - as the cuts will mean fewer courses, fewer staff and fewer opportunities for us all. We need more investment in education, not less.

Let's make our voices heard and say it loud and clear: stop to cuts to colleges and universities!

Scotland's students are calling on the Scottish Government to properly invest in our future, instead of cutting college and university budgets.

The Scottish Government should reverse the £100m cuts for further education, higher education and apprenticeships, and ensure it invests in a truly accessible system that works for all students.

1003 signed so far. Help us get to 1000!

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