You'll need photo ID at the next Election - get a FREE CitizenCard using code 'NUS' - normally £18!

New voter ID laws are another barrier to students and young people voting. Join the movement fighting back and get a FREE ID from CitizenCard here!

There will be a General Election in the next year. We don’t know exactly when. But we do know that on polling day, it’s going to be harder for young people to vote.

Young people are most at risk from being turned away for not having the right ID. But we won’t let anything stop us from having our say – there’s too much at stake.

Are you ready to stand up for young people’s right to vote, and speak out on the issues they face? Get £18 off a CitizenCard you (or a young person you know) can use at the polling booth in Scotland, Wales and England*.

* CitizenCard is not accepted as a form of voter ID in Northern Ireland – but you can still use it for other uses such as proof of age.

6 signed so far. Help us get to 5000!

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