Give all students and apprentices half price bus and train travel!

42% of students in Scotland use public transport to get to their place of study, but for many, the cost of fares are debilitating. 

Although the Young Scot National Entitlement Card provides free bus travel for under 22s, it is estimated that 55% of students, approximately 311,000, are aged 22 or over, and therefore are ineligible for free bus travel. 

NUS Scotland’s Cost of Survival survey found that 21% of students have missed class and a further 7% have missed placement because of the cost of public transport, and a NUS UK’s Move It survey found that the cost of travel has impacted 32% of students’ ability to eat a meal. 

As always, it’s the students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are being hit the hardest, missing out on vital teaching time, harming their grades and limiting their opportunities.  

NUS Scotland just released a Public Transport report that shows that half-price bus and rail fares would help ease the financial pressure on students, whilst also having positive impacts on the climate.

Sign the petition and join the campaign for half price bus and rail fares for all students and apprentices across Scotland.



1238 signed so far. Help us get to 1500!

Will you sign?