
You'll need photo ID at the next Election - get a FREE CitizenCard using code 'NUS' - normally £18!

Sign here to get your free CitizenCard and we’ll send you everything you need to know about voting in elections. Use code ‘NUS’ to get your free ID (usually £18) today.

6 signed so far. Help us get to 5000!

Get your FREE Voter ID

Make it easier for young people to vote!

Make it easier for young people to vote! Sign the NUS UK petition

2 signed so far. Help us get to 2000!

Make it easier for young people to vote!

Let apprentices live: raise the apprentice minimum wage to the Real Living Wage

Let apprentices live: raise the apprentice minimum wage to the Real Living Wage - Sign the petition!

148 signed so far. Help us get to 2000!

Living Wage for Apprentices!

Will you support Students at the next General Election?

There will be a General Election in 2024.

95 signed so far. Help us get to 10000!

Manifesto for our Future

Fix student housing

Every student deserves a safe, affordable, and secure home.

781 signed so far. Help us get to 1000!

Fix student housing

Fighting for Students

We’re Fighting For Students in this cost-of-living crisis, calling for: an increase in grants and bursaries; rent controls; and half-price bus and train fares all day.

2199 signed so far. Help us get to 3000!

Fighting for Students